Nvelope – Dub Techno TV Podcast Series #40
Nvelope – Dub Techno TV Podcast Series #40 [2021]
DTTV Podcast Series [DTTVPS40]
The sound of Nvelope combines warm dubsound with some warm techno sound, which focuses powerfully on the essential. Fully used by target chords, combined with powerful groove, he combines warm sounds with groovy techno. Far away from the mainstream sound he manages to create an entirely new type of dubsounds and enforce its own style. Since 2007 he has been producing music and has been collaborating with labels such as Eintakt, Diametral or Dreiton, where he released ‘Jumping Clouds’ in June.
00:00 Underground Resistance – Transition (Accapella)
00:30 Deepchild – Glitches Aint Ship (Joachim Spieth Remix)
06:13 Mastra – Flying Ornaments
11:56. Endian – Two Chords Deep
16:31 Model 500 – Starlight (Echospace Mix)
21:40 Maurizio – M06a
25:13 Rhythm & Sound w/ Tikiman (youANDme Edit)
31:39 Harrison Ford – Dubgirl
36:50 Leftover – Static Infinite
39:31 youAND:THEMASCHINES – The Veil (Duel Reshape by Marko Fürstenberg & Luke Hess) [feat. Keta Darker]
44:48 Len Faki – Street Dub (Dub Version)
49:04 Joachim Spieth – Sensual
53:20 Nvelope – Promo
56:33 Nadja Lind – Solar Water
01:02:10 Emtex – 48224 Memories – Hardware Live Record
01:04:56 Narcotic 303 – Ghost in The Machine
More info about Nvelope:
www. https://www.instagram.com/nvelope
www. https://nvelope.bandcamp.com/
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