Dennis Ferrer @ Maison Mercer (Toronto) 2012
Wow what a night. I’ve been attending trance events for so long that I almost for about the joys of house music. 🙂
Due to a last minute request, I was invited to Maison Mercer to video the GOGO dancers, Judy and Erin, doing their thing. In the process I had a chance to see this club I’ve heard about before, for the first time. It was good to see this place lived up to my expectations. I liked the overall “feel” of this place and it was jammed packed with Dennis Ferrer fans. Even the bouncers were dressed classy, and to top it off, they were very polite too.
I also had the pleasure of capturing Dennis’ set to video. He seemed to be having a great time behind the decks, both spinning and meeting the few who were allowed in his zone. His set was fresh and bouncy, which is the way I like my house!
Du solltest übrigens gerade weil die Künstler mit Streaming nicht gerade viel verdienen, sie am besten direkt unterstützen. Viele Künstler haben die Möglichkeit für Spenden. Mit dem Spendenbutton unter dem Video kannst du z.B. den Klubnetz Dresden e.V. unterstützen. Definitiv solltest Du Auftritte besuchen und wenn Du einen Plattespieler hast, kaufe die besten Tracks auf Vinyl!
Fesselnder Techno Thriller.
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