Valerie Ace – Techno Germany Podcast 071
Valerie Ace – Techno Germany Podcast 071
Valerie Ace is a DJ and electronic music producer currently based in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Ace made herself known through her debut EP Glitzer Vs Hass that was released on SPFDJ’s label Intrepid Skin in early 2022. Two more releases have followed since on Anetha’s Mama Told Ya and Ceili’s Mala Adh. In late 2022 Ace introduced her own hybrid label Hardwon.
Valerie Ace started her musical journey in her teens playing electric guitar in an experimental rock band and spent much of her 20s in art school where she turned toward a more electronic sound. Playing the role of a tongue-in-cheek commentator, she draws inspiration from lived experiences of today’s complex dance-floor politics.
In the Studio Valerie Ace likes to experiment and create her own sounddesigns and aesthetics. She has been exploring electronic instruments from her first oscillator – which was a self-made circuit that she built into the back of an electric guitar – all the way to complex modular synthesizers. It is this high level of curiosity and attention to detail which allows the sound of Valerie Ace to stand out.
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