Art video: Oaks grove by Amit Bar
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See more artworks from this project at my site: at oaks-grove
More nudes by Amit Bar at the Nudes section in my ART site, NON-Poronography at
Request to YouTube: Please leave this link: it leads to a site which is pure artistic and NOT PORNORAPHIC.
It is so annoying to discuss this again and again and again. Thank you!
Song text by Yehuda Halevi:
לִבִּי בְמִזְרָח וְאָנֹכִי בְּסוֹף מַעֲרָב
אֵיךְ אֶטְעֲמָה אֵת אֲשֶׁר אֹכַל וְאֵיךְ יֶעֱרָב
אֵיכָה אֲשַׁלֵּם נְדָרַי וָאֱסָרַי, בְּעוֹד
צִיּוֹן בְּחֶבֶל אֱדוֹם וַאֲנִי בְּכֶבֶל עֲרָב
יֵקַל בְּעֵינַי עֲזֹב כָּל טוּב סְפָרַד, כְּמוֹ
יֵקַר בְּעֵינַי רְאוֹת עַפְרוֹת דְּבִיר נֶחֱרָב
My heart is in the East
My heart is in the East, and I am at the ends of the West;
How can I taste what I eat and how could it be pleasing to me?
How shall I render my vows and my bonds, while yet
Zion lies beneath the fetter of Edom, and I am in the chains of Arabia?
It would be easy for me to leave all the bounty of Spain —
As it is precious for me to behold the dust of the desolate sanctuary.
Song melody by Moni Amarilio:
Singer: Nehama Hendel:
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